Sunday, May 15, 2011

Gays- It Gets Better... Eventually

First of all, let me start off my saying, I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AGAINST THE GAYS!
I find that there is no reason as to why America is still debating over the Gay community! It’s ridiculous that they are denied marriage and are treated unfairly. Let me just say that as an American citizen, I’m flabbergasted that we are operating against what we have written in the Constitution- all men are created equally; well I guess not when that man/woman is gay and living in the United States.

I have no problem with anyone that is gay, they don’t bother me or anybody else so why are we disrupting their life when we can be living concurrently without any issues?
Recently, President Obama has singed the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal. In case you are unsure of what this policy has done, it prohibits United States Military Personnel from questioning the Sexual Orientation of a possible applicant of the military. They cannot discriminate against somebody based on their sexual preference or previous sexual relations. For further information here is a link with more on it:
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Video:

Many teens suffer from being discriminated against because they are gay. The It Gets Better Project was created to help teens through those tough adolescent years. It helps to show young LGBT people the levels of happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will reach – if they can just get through their teen years. The It Gets Better Project wants to remind teenagers in the LGBT community that they are not alone — and it WILL get better. This is truly a great cause and it can really reassure the gay teen community that they are not alone and through thick and thin, the sun always comes out shinning in the end!

As stated on their website, “The website is a place where young people who are lesbian, gay, bi, or trans can see how love and happiness can be a reality in their future.  It’s a place where our straight allies can visit and support their friends and family members.  It’s a place where people can share their stories, take the It Gets Better Project pledge, watch videos of love and support, and seek help through the Trevor Project and GLSEN.”
Here’s the official Website:

Here are the Statistics of the It Gets Better Project:
·         Since our launch, calls to the Trevor Project suicide hotline have increased over 50%.
·         9 out of 10 LGBT students have experienced harassment at school.
·         LGBT teens are bullied 2 to 3 times as much as straight teens.
·         More than 1/3 of LGBT kids have attempted suicide.
·         LGBT kids are 4 times as likely to attempt suicide then our straight peers.
·         LGBT youth with “highly rejecting” families are 8 times more likely to attempt suicide than those whose families accept them.
·         By the end of 2010, the It Gets Better Project raised over $100,000 from 2,500+ grassroots contributors to help LGBT youth.  
Here is one of the videos:


  1. ant! power to the people! i did a gay blog for my first one n i enjoyed learning about the differnt types of organiuzations and people that support this way of life. i know about the "it gets better project" anyway - like the blog =)

  2. i have nothing against gays as well. if thats how someone chooses to live their life let them... right? the it gets better project statistics i didnt know until now and its good to see how much money has been raised. its sad to hear about all the suicides many kids done to themselves because of the bullying people do to them.
