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Drugs and alcohol are taking over the teen population quickly. Don’t get me wrong, there are many teens including myself who are above the influence, but for those who are influenced and easily manipulated, in my opinion are weak. Personally, I know many intelligent people who have been overcame by drugs and it’s a hard thing to see. Many parents blame the shows and movies being shown on television nowadays, but I feel the only ones to blame are the kids. I’ve heard time and again,” Kids of this Generation are a disgrace, but look who raised them” and I don’t agree, a parent is not to be at full blame of the outcome of how their child behaves. There are many families who properly raise their child to do well and avoid being brought down but that doesn’t mean that those kids will always follow what their parents say. In many cases, the teens who are brought down by drugs or alcohol are in fact the ones raised by great families, that doesn’t mean the family didn’t raise them well, it means they themselves failed to choose the right path. “Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug used by teens today” as said in the article Marijuana use among Teens. As of 2003, the statistics for teens using drugs are as follows:
· 8th grade -- 30.3%
· 10th grade -- 44.9%
· 12th grade -- 52.8%
The following link features many articles regarding teens and substance abuse:
Another thing about drugs is that society always seems to blame television. The MTV series Skins has been criticized a great deal and in my opinion it honestly shouldn’t be. I understand where parents are coming from saying that the show is a little risqué but if their child is so easily influenced by a television show, they shouldn’t be watching it anyway. If the one watching the show is swayed then maybe they aren’t mature enough to watch it! I myself have actually been very determined to stay away from drugs because I believe the show reveals the horrible things that are consequences of doing drugs. One of the characters on the show, Caddie, was actually institutionalized because of her drug addiction and to me that’s a caution advising teens that if you do drugs there are serious repercussions.
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Cast of MTV's Skins |
so this is the second time im commenting because i did before but now its not showing so yea. I agree with this blog 100%. Many teens are smoking and taking drugs to fit in and be cool. I agree with you, i do not do drugs because i do not have the desire to and because of the consequences that go along with it. I do not like the feeling of being out of control and not know what is going on. Listen if a person wants to do drugs-go ahead -but don't cry that your life has been wasted an ruined away because of it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you too. There are so many teens that are depended on drugs. I agree with Fabia too because many teens are smoking and taking drugs to be cool. Some of them say that they have so many problems in their families or life so they smoke or take drugs to feel better, but that is just an excuse that they use because taking drugs or smoking it is not going to help you fix your problems.
ReplyDeletei think its funny how you don't realize how common this stuff is until you get into high school. p.s. love the blog
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame how the mass media glorifies stupidity (Jersey Shore, Skins, and the whole nine yards). It seems that the only surefire way to get on television is to do something stupid.
ReplyDeleteThe media is doing a great disservice to our society - and our youth. As for Skins, that show borders on child pornography - and the ubiquitous, in-your-face, and inescapable advertisements featured on public transportation are outrageous. How do you stop your kids from seeing those ads? You say - "don't let your kids watch the show," but how do you stop them from seeing the ads on buses and trains?
What you fail to understand is just how much things like this affect the young and foolish. By glorifying stupidity, these shows give kids something to emulate in order to become accepted by their peers. The coarsening of our culture, and the undermining of traditional values like modesty, is destroying our youth - and our youth are the foundations of America.
To Joe: Thank you, i enjoyed yours too!
ReplyDeleteTo Mike: We are all entitled to our own opinion; you chose the opposite of mine which is perfectly fine. Regardless of what you believe, I am solid with what I say and cannot/ will not be persuaded by anybody else. I do not fail to understand anything pertaining to this blog, and you said it yourself, it affects the FOOLISH! And it’s time to face the facts, “traditional values” were thrown out the window a while ago.
amen to that !
ReplyDeleteYes, people are gullible and easily affected (it's called peer pressure).
ReplyDeleteYes, these shows affect the foolish - but they have consequences. Look at the teenage pregnancy rate in the US! And guess who's supporting all those teenage mothers?
You don't object to the show or to the advertisements, but SILENCE IS ACQUIESCENCE.
Look at what is happening in the US - we are on our way to becoming a third-world country as families are being destroyed, promiscuity is not only acceptable but encouraged, more and more people are falling to idiotic temptations - and you can't blame them! We have shows like Jersey Shore and Skins, and we have people like you who defend these shows in the name of "free speech." I said it before and I'll say it again: Silence is acquiescence. To stand by and do nothing is to help perpetuate the problem. You are condoning the crisis of idiocy and promiscuity, and we will end up paying for it in more ways than one!
Bee: The erosion of values is nothing to celebrate!
that is your opinion and like ant said you are entitled to it
ReplyDeletebut people will do what they want to do reguardless of what is on the tv radio magazines and what not
i watch skins and jersey shore n i dont go around having sex with random people or do drugs and drink until im about to explode.... these shows are for entertainment and to show what living like the way they do can do ... thats alll
if people are loosing their values by watching these shows or are getting "peer pressured" into doing things that are immoral and unethical then their "vaules" are obviously not as strong or important to them as you think that are or as they should be.
Bee: True, YOU may watch these shows and then continue to be the normal, reasonable person that you are.
ReplyDeleteBut not everybody is like you; not everybody has the same reaction to the glorification and romanticizing of stupidity.
It is one thing if people CHOOSE to get drunk, bare their skin, etc. But if the whole world is glorifying this kind of behavior, it's no wonder that more and more people are turning to it. Think about the kind of message that the media is sending to gullible youth: instead of condemning all this insanity, they're glorifying, romanticizing, and encouraging it.
You write that if people easily succumb to temptation, then their personal values are obviously not strong enough in the first place. Correct. So let's glorify underage drinking, partying, and promiscuity some more! Let's put advertisements all over buses and trains so that the idiocy is inescapable!
Instead of condemning what you should condemn, you justify it as a sign of the times, as an inevitable way of life. But what makes it a way of life? People like you, who refuse to condemn Jersey Shore, Skins, etc. People like you, who watch it. Don't you understand that these shows would not exist if they were not watched?
The world is made a cruel place not by those who do evil, but by those who stand by and do nothing.
As I said before, I will say again: Silence is acquiescence. And both are dangerous things.
YOU may be a normal, reasonable person who will not turn to sex, drugs, etc. But others will. Others will because of shows like these.
And you will sit in your ivory tower with no concern about the destruction of America, with no concern about the destruction of other people's lives. You will sit in your ivory tower and proclaim, "But I'M not doing it." No, you're not - but others are.
Michael this is one of the most controversial issues to debate about, I'm not going to sit here and debate because trust me you won't win. As I said before, I will say again, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. You don't agree with mine, however, that is no reason to criticize me for my beliefs. So what if I promote sex, drugs and promiscuity according to you! But according to me, I promote what in my mind is right- and I can assure you, NOBODY will change that.
ReplyDeleteboys boys boys ... lets calm down .... im right ... end ! =p no but all jokes aside micheal then people are weak and its pathetic - no on cares about you so why care about others? they cave into the temptation then thats a lack of confidentce in belifes, values, and ones self- like i said pathetic . its for ENTERTAINMENT! people like to laugh at people, escape their own lives and be apart of someone elses .. thats it .. promoting to u to others a night at the tv not doing hw or being bored by anyone.. a day after gossiping and b.s.ing about it - just relaxing and having some fun
ReplyDeleteamerica is not coming to an end because of jerey shore and skins i can assure u of that !
its global warming... ant ur next blog!!!!!
lmfao =)
lmaoo okay end of discussion